Home> United States> NY> Yeshiva College> Prof. Steinberg

Steinberg, Gillian

Steinberg, Gillian

Primary Department: English
Number of Ratings: 4
Average Rating: 4.6

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OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor
DateClass OQCHEKRComments Flag Rating
12/31/20091107 - First Year Writing4.85545YesLiked this class a lot. Anyone who isn't in honors should take her for First Year Writing. She's really easy to talk to, very personable and at the same time she teaches very well. Your writing will improve if you do do what she says. Highly recommend.
[ 1/1 people found this rating helpful. ]
01/29/20071101 - Composition and Rhetoric I4.55535Yesprobably the best english teacher on the planet
11/28/20061101 - Composition and Rhetoric I4.55535YesThe Best writing professor I have ever had. She is'nt a breeze, but if you want to learn to write TAKE HER CLASS. Plus she's cool and laid back.
10/06/20061101 - Composition and Rhetoric I4.55535YesShe's a great teacher but a tough grader. Tends to opt for shock value, Ds on first papers and kicking kids out of class for not doing their homework. But if you do the work, she's nice and very helpful.
[ 1/1 people found this rating helpful. ]
Number of Ratings: 4
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