Home> United States> NY> New York University School of Law> Criminal Procedure: Police Investigations

Criminal Procedure: Police Investigations

Criminal Procedure: Police Investigations

Number: NA
Taught In: LAW
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Jacobs, N/A
Number of professors teaching this course: 1
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Abel, UNK Adler, Amy M. Adler, Barry E. Allen, Jessie Allen, William T. Alston, Philip Amsterdam, Anthony G. Angelos, Claudia
Arlen, Jennifer H. Baer, Miriam Hechler Balendra, Natasha Bar-Gill, Oren Barkow, UNK Barrow, Rachel E. Batchelder, Lily L. Been, Vicki Lynn
Bell, Derrick A. Benkler, UNK Billman, Brookes D. Blank, Joshua Boger, John Charles Bradford, Laura R. Bruner, Jerome Burch, Micah
Burns, Sarah E. Caldwell, Paulette M. Capulong, Eduardo R.C. Chase, Oscar G. Chevigny, Paul G. Choi, Stephen J. Cohen, Jerome Alan Collins, UNK
Culp, UNK Cunningham, Noel B. Dale, Harvey P. Davis, Kevin E. Davis, Peggy Cooper Dorsen, Norman Dreyfuss, Rochelle Cooper Dworkin, Ronald
Eisgruber, UNK Eskridge, UNK Estlund, Cynthia L. Estreicher, Samuel Eustice, James S. Feldman, Noah R. Ferejohn, John First, Harry
Fox, Eleanor M. Fox, UNK Franck, Thomas M. Fried, UNK Friedman, Barry Galowitz, Paula Garland, David Geistfeld, Mark A.
Gillers, Stephen Gillette, Clayton P. Gilligan, Carol Goldberg, UNK Golove, David M. Grace, Adam Greenberger, Howard L. Grofman, Bernard
Grosz, Maya Guggenheim, Martin Gulasekaram, Pratheepan Guruswamy, Menaka Halbertal, Moshe Healey, Megan Heller, UNK Hershkoff, Helen
Hertz, Randy Hills, Roderick Maltman Holmes, Stephen Holsebosch, UNK Howell, K. Babe Hughes, Graham Hulsebosch, Daniel J. Issacharoff, Samuel
Jacobs, N/A Jones-Peace, Jacqueline Kahan, Marcel Kaufman, Risa Kingsbury, Benedict Knapp, Charles Lincoln Knowles, Robert Kofler, Georg
Kornhauser, Lewis Kramer, UNK Kumm, Mattias Law, Sylvia A. Lempert, Eran Lopez, Gerald P. Lowenfeld, Andreas F. Macedo, Steve
Maguigan, Holly Malamud, Deborah C Malman, Laurie L. Manny, Jill Schatman Markowitz, Peter Marotta-Wurgler, Florencia Martell, Lynn Maxfield, Guy B.
Mccaffrey, John Meron, Theodor Miller, Geoffrey P. Miller, Marshall L. Mintz, Jack Morawetz, Nancy Morrison, UNK Murphy, Liam B.
Myers, Caren Nagel, Thomas Narula, Smita Nelson, William E. Neuborne, Burt Noble, Ronald K. Perry, Miranda Peschel, John L.
Pildes, Richard H. Redlich, Norman Reid, John Phillip Revesz, Richard L. Richards, David A. J. Rodriguez, Cristina M. Rosenfield, Rebecca Beth Sager, Laura
Satterthwaite, Margaret L. Schenk, Deborah H. Schill, UNK Schmolka, Leo L. Schuck, UNK Schulhofer, Stephen J. Schwind, Michael A. Scott, Helen S.
Sexton, John E. Shaviro, Daniel N. Siegel, Stanley Silberman, Linda J. Sitkoff, Robert H. Slain, John J. Smith, Anna Deavere Sommer, Joseph
Sorter, George H. Steines, John P. Stevenson, Bryan Stewart, Richard B. Subin, Harry L Taylor-Thompson, Kim A. Thompson, Anthony Charles Todres, Jonathan
Upham, Frank K. Venable, UNK Waldron, Jeremy James Weiler, Joseph H.H. Williams, Andrew Wade Wishnie, Michael Wurgler, UNK Wyman, Katrina Miriam
Yoon, UNK Zimmerman, Diane Leenheer

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