Date Added | Filename | Type | Semester | File Type | File Description | NR | OR | | Downloads | Flag |
11/13/2007 | K1CaselawUCCRestChart081107.doc | | Summer II - 2007 | Review | K II is the second portion of the doc. Great quick reference doc. | 0 | 0.0 | | 128 | |
08/26/2007 | my Contracts 2 Outline.doc | | Summer I - 2007 | Review | In depth case summaries. Too long but couldn't make it shorter. 54 pages. | 0 | 0.0 | | 134 | |
11/19/2006 | Contracts II Burnham Outline.pdf | | Summer I - 2006 | Review | Outline for Burnham's Contracts II class | 1 | 5.0 | | 322 | |