Home> United States> NY> Yeshiva College> Differential Equations> Taught By Prof. Chen

Differential Equations

Differential Equations

Number: 2601
Taught In: MAT
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Professor: Chen, W.
Number of Ratings: 17
Average Rating: 4.0

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OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor
DateClass OQCHEKRComments Flag Rating
12/29/20072601 - Differential Equations3.83525YesGood course. Dr. Chen's doctoral thesis is on Partial Differential Equations, so he knows the stuff quite well. You will have to keep track with the homeworks; otherwise, you will need to study a lot before the tests.
05/27/20072601 - Differential Equations4.03445YesChen loves Diff Eq, and soon you will too. Do the homework, don't cram it all the night before, work out the past tests, and you'll learn the material. Tests are from the HW; some the first problems and some the last problems. There are many old tests going around, they'll help you learn the material and see what Chen's style is. For some people it's hard to understand him in the lecture or conversations due to his Chinese accent, but it doesn't affect the course really -- the book is pretty clear and the material *very* straightforward. The point of the course is to look at types of equations and go thru methods to solve them. There is an electronic solutions manual floating around, try to get it. Chen's also one of - if not the - nicest professor I've ever met. Fair grader, do your work and you'll get that A. Viva la Wenxiong!
10/12/20062601 - Differential Equations3.82454YesI would recomend this course to any motivated math students. This class can be an easy A if you want to get an A. However, it is often difficult to understand what Chen is saying with his strong Chinese accent. And even better, he often doesnt undnerstand what the students are saying. But he is a fair testgiver/grader, so all you need to do is stay ontop of the homework, read the textbook, and do well on tests. Also, ask him for past tests is you wish, he is very nice with giving old tests.
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Number of Ratings: 3
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