Home> United States> NY> Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law> Trademark Law> Taught By Prof. Hughes

Trademark Law

Trademark Law

Number: 7577
Taught In: LAW
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Professor: Hughes, Justin
Number of Ratings: 10
Average Rating: 4.2

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OQ = Overall Quality | C = Clarity | H = Helpfulness | E = Easiness | K = Professors' Knowledge of Material | R = Recommend Professor
DateClass OQCHEKRComments Flag Rating
07/29/20117577 - Trademark Law4.55535YesOne of the best professor's at the school. He's fair with the exam and he keeps class interesting.
10/29/20107577 - Trademark Law5.05555Yeshe is the best.
01/20/20097577 - Trademark Law3.54235YesAlways come prepared for class unless you have a note. If called on, make sure to say something, otherwise he might blow up and storm out of the class. He doesn't let students use internet, but he keeps you entertained and engaged.
05/11/20077577 - Trademark Law4.55535YesProfessor Hughes can come off as arrogant, but with that disclaimer, he's one of the best professors I've ever had. He has a knack for explaining the material clearly, is patient with questios, and don't try to rush the class. He also wants students to show up to class. So, though he wants you to do the reading, if you're not prepared, you can send him an email and he won't call on you. But if you don't, and he does call on you, you're in lots of trouble. Not only will he ream you out, but he might skip over that section and say that the material will be on the final. Its part of his making sure the class is prepared, that there's good discussion, and participation. And it works. Trademark was great, had a wonderful time. The final, a 24 hour take home, was very fair. The word limit is low (1,500-2,000), so you really have to work at getting your arguments down concisely. Definitely take him.
[ 1/1 people found this rating helpful. ]
10/01/20067577 - Trademark Law3.84434YesDecent class, hard final.
Number of Ratings: 5
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