Professor | Email | Homepage | Albert, Lee A. | laalbert@buffalo.edu | | Atleson, James B. | atleson@buffalo.edu | | Avery, Dianne | lawavery@buffalo.edu | | Bartholomew, Mark | | | Berger, Robert S. | berger@acsu.buffalo.edu | | Binder, Guyora | gbinder@buffalo.edu | | Boyer, Barry B. | boyer@acsu.buffalo.edu | | Breen, Lauren | lbreen@buffalo.edu | | Carrel, Alan S. | carrel@buffalo.edu | | Christensen, John | mcohn@buffalo.edu | | Cohn, Marlene M. | | | De Waal, Kimberly | | | Disare, Thomas E | disare@buffalo.edu | | Dubber, Markus D. | dubber@buffalo.edu | | Engel, David M. | dmengel@buffalo.edu | | Ewing, Charles Patrick | cewing@buffalo.edu | | Faherty, Sara | sfaherty@buffalo.edu | | Filvaroff, David B. | dbf@buffalo.edu | | Finley, Lucinda M. | finleylu@buffalo.edu | | Forman, Heidi | | | French, Rebecca R. | rrfrench@buffalo.edu | | Gardner, James A. | jgard@buffalo.edu | | Greiner, William R. | ubl3@buffalo.edu | | Halpern, Philip | phalpem@Buffalo.edu | | Haynes, Nan | nlhaynes@buffalo.edu | | Headrick, Thomas E. | headrick@buffalo.edu | | Hezel, George M. | hezel@buffalo.edu | | Hyman, Jacob D. | | | J Westbrook, Amy Deen | awestbro@buffalo.edu | | Joyce, Kenneth E | kjoyce@buffalo.edu | | Kannar, George | | | Kaplan, Milton | | | Konefsky, Alfred S. | konefsky@buffalo.edu | | Leary, Virginia A. | virginialeary@yahoo.com | | Lindgren, Janet S. | lindgren@buffalo.edu | | Malkan, Jeffrey | jdmalkan@buffalo.edu | | Marcus, Isabel S. | | | Mather, Lynn | lmather@buffalo.edu | | Mc Cluskey, Martha T. | mcclusk@buffalo.edu | | Meidinger, Errol | eemeid@buffalo.edu | | Mensch, Elizabeth B. | | | Miller, Teresa A. | tmiller@acsu.buffalo.edu | | Mutua, Athena | admutua@buffalo.edu | | Mutua, Makau | mutua@buffalo.edu | | Newhouse, Wade J. | wnewhouse@adelphia.net | | Olsen, R. Nils | nolsen@buffalo.edu | | Phillips, Margaret | mlphill@adelphia.net | | Phillips, Stephanie L. | slp@buffalo.edu | | Reilly, Laura | lreilly@buffalo.edu | | Reis, Robert I. | saran@buffalo.edu | | Saran, Melinda R. | | | Scales-Trent, Judy | | | Schlegel, John Henry | schlegel.@acsu.buffalo.edu | | Steinfeld, Robert J. | | | Sullivan, Winnifred | | | Szczygiel, Anthony H. | szczygie@buffalo.edu | | Teklzghi, Tedros | | | Tomkins, Sue | tomkins@buffalo.edu | | Westbrook, David A. | dwestbro@buffalo.edu | | Winkelstein, Kendra | | | Wooten, James Anders | jwooten@buffalo.edu | | Number of Professors: 61 Want to add a Professor? Click Here |  |