Professor | Email | Homepage | Alvarez, Jose Enrique | jalvar@law.columbia.edu | | Amanat, Aref Hossein | aref.amanat@law.columbia.edu | | Barenberg, Mark | mb15@columbia.edu | | Berger, Vivian O. | vberger@law.columbia.edu | | Bermann, George A. | gbermann@law.columbia.edu | | Bhagwati, Jagdish | jbhagw@law.columbia.edu | | Black, Barbara A. | bab@law.columbia.edu | | Blake, Harlan M. | | | Blasi, Vincent | blasi@law.columbia.edu | | Boctor, Audrey E. | | | Bollinger, Lee C | bollinger@columbia.edu | | Briffault, Richard | rb34@columbia.edu | | Charles Frederick, Sabel | csabel@law.columbia.edu | | Chirelstein, Marvin A. | marvin@law.columbia.edu | | Coffee, John C | jcoffee@law.columbia.edu | | Colangelo, Anthony J. | | | Cole, Jonathan R. | jcole@law.columbia.edu | | Corbin, Caroline Mala | ccorbin@law.columbia.edu | | Crenshaw, Kimberle Williams | crenshaw@law.columbia.edu | | Damrosch, Lori Fisler | damrosch@law.columbia.edu | | De La Durantaye, Katharina | katharina.deladurantaye@aya.yale.edu | | Dorf, Michael C | mdorf@law.columbia.edu | | Doyle, Michael W. | mdoyle@law.columbia.edu | | Dubler, Ariela R. | aduble@law.columbia.edu | | Edgar, Harold S. H. | hedgar@law.columbia.edu | | Edwards, Robert Randle | randleedwards@comcast.net | | Emens, Elizabeth E | eemens@law.columbia.edu | | Fagan, Jeffrey | jfagan@law.columbia.edu | | Ferguson, Robert A. | fletcher@law.columbia.edu | | Fletcher, George P. | | | Fox, Merritt B. | mfoxl@law.columbia.edu | | Franke, Katherine M. | kfranke@law.columbia.edu | | Gardner, Richard N. | rgardn@law.columbia.edu | | Garro, Alejandro M. | garro@law.columbia.edu | | Genty, Philip M. | pgenty@law.columbia.edu | | Gilson, Ronald J. | rgilson@law.columbia.edu | | Ginsburg, Jane C | ginsburg@law.columbia.edu | | Goldberg, Suzanne B. | sgoldbl@law.columbia.edu | | Goldberg, Victor Paul | vpg@law.columbia.edu | | Goldschmid, Harvey J. | jgordon@law.columbia.edu | | Gordon, Jeffrey N. | | | Gory, Simona | | | Goshen, Z0har | zgoshen@law.columbia.edu | | Grad, Frank P. | fgrad@law.columbia.edu | | Greenawalt, R. Kent | | | Greenberg, Jack | greenber@law.columbia.edu | | Greenberg-Kobrin, Michelle Ariella | michelle.greenberg-kobrin@law.columbia.edu | | Hamburger, Philip Andrew | hamburger@law.columbia.edu | | Hamoudi, Haider Ala | haiderhamoudi@yahoo.com | | Heller, Michael A. | mhelle@law.columbia.edu | | Hemphill, C. Scott | shemp@law.columbia.edu | | Henkin, Louis | henkin@law.columbia.edu | | Herstein, Ori J. | ojh@law.columbia.edu | | Hill, Alfred | ahill@law.columbia.edu | | Hoover, James L. | hoover@law.columbia.edu | | Iwerebon, E. Nkonye | nkonye.iwerebon@law.columbia.edu | | Janson, Kathleen | kjanso@law.columbia.edu | | Johnson, Conrad | cjohnson@law.columbia.edu | | Johnson, Olatunde C | olati.johnson@law.columbia.edu | | Jones, William Kenneth | | | Katz, Avery Wiener | avkatz@law.columbia.edu | | Kernochan, John M. | kernochan@law.columbia.edu | | Liebman, Benjamin Lesler | bliebm@law.columbia.edu | | Liebman, Carol Bensinger | cliebman@law.columbia.edu | | Liebman, James Steven | jliebman@law.columbia.edu | | Liebman, Lance M. | | | Livingston, Debra A. | | | Lloyd, Edward | elloyd@law.columbia.edu | | Long, Clarisa | clong@law.columbia.edu | | Lowenstein, Louis | | | Lynch, Gerard E. | | | Mavroidis, Petros C. | pmavro@law.columbia.edu | | Merrill, Thomas W. | tmerri@law.columbia.edu | | Metzger, Gillian E. | gillian.metzger@law.columbia.edu | | Milhaupt, Curtis J. | milhaupt@law.columbia.edu | | Moglen, Eben | moglen@columbia.edu | | Monaghan, Henry P. | | | Morrison, Edward Rust | emorri@law.columbia.edu | | Murphy, Arthur W. | amurphy@law.columbia.edu | | Narasimhan, Subha | subha@law.columbia.edu | | Ohlin, Jens David | jdo18@columbia.edu | | Pistor, Katharina | kpisto@law.columbia.edu | | Pretto-Sakmann, Arianna | aprettl@law.columbia.edu | | Rapaczynski, Andrzej | ar5@columbia.edu | | Raskolnikov, Alex | arasko@law.columbia.edu | | Raz, Joseph | raz@law.columbia.edu | | Roh, Jeong-Ho | | | Rosenthal, Albert J. | | | Sanger, Carol | csanger@law.columbia.edu | | Schatz, Barbara A. | bschatz@law.columbia.edu | | Schizer, David Michael | dschiz@law.columbia.edu | | Scott, Elizabeth S. | escott@law.columbia.edu | | Scott, Robert E. | rscott@law.columbia.edu | | Seith, Patricia A. | pseith@law.columbia.edu | | Shah, Sujal Jayendra | | | Sharkey, Catherine M. | cshark@law.columbia.edu | | Simon, William H. | wsimon@law.columbia.edu | | Smit, Hans | hsmit@law.columbia.edu | | Sovern, Michael I. | msovern@law.columbia.edu | | Spinak, Jane M. | spinak@law.columbia.edu | | Stone, Richard B. | rstone@law.columbia.edu | | Strauss, Peter L. | strauss@law.columbia.edu | | Sturm, Susan P. | ssturm@law.columbia.edu | | Thomas, Kendall | kthomas@law.columbia.edu | | Wayne, Ellen S. | ewayne@law.columbia.edu | | Williams, Patricia J. | williams@law.columbia.edu | | Witt, John Fabian | jwitt@law.columbia.edu | | Wu, Timothy | wu@pobox.com | | Young, William F. | wyoung@law.columbia.edu | | Zulack, Mary Marsh | mzulack@law.columbia.edu | | Number of Professors: 110 Want to add a Professor? 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