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New York Law School>
Tax Litigation Seminar
 | Tax Litigation Seminar | Number: NA Taught In: LAW Course Information:
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Show This Course Taught By | Number of professors teaching this course: 0 Want to add a Professor to this course? Click Here
Quick Add A Law Professor to NA - Tax Litigation Seminar | Abraham, Susan J. | Adelman, Miriam | Adler, Paul | Ainslie, Ruth | Ann Cort, Julia | Annenberg, Joshua | Archer, Deborah N. | Aviles, Jessica | Beck, Richard C.E. | Beck, Richard C. E. | Bekerman, Mark | Benson, Lenni B. | Benson, Lenni Beth | Berman, Andrew R. | Bernstein, Anita | Bernstein, Richard | Berry, Richard | Blecker, Robert I. | Blecker, Robert | Bloom, Anne | Bloom, Jeffrey | Blumberg, Theodore | Bonfield, Lloyd | Botein, Michael | Brescia, Raymond | Bresler, Judith | Bress, Frank A. | Broder, Rhonnie | Brook, James | Broussard, Camille | Brown, Gary | Browne, Audrey | Browne, Browne | Buckler, Carol A. | Bulbulia, Ahmed | Bundy, George | Caldwell, Leslie | Campbell, Emily | Canelias, Peter | Castro, Cesar | Caulfield, Eileen | Cederqvist, Fredrik | Cerruti, Eugene | Cestaro, Michael | Chambliss, Elizabeth | Champine, Pamela R. | Champoux, Barbara | Chang, David | Chen, Lung-chu | Cheng, Tai-Heng | Chirelstein, Marvin | Chirico, Vincent | Clancy, Margaret | Cohen, Pamela | Cohen, Louise | Colangelo, Faith | Cone, Sydney M. | Constas, Dorothea | Cooper, Stephen | Crowell, Anthony | Curcio, Lindsay | Curtin, Daniel | D, Lisa | Darby, Larry | Davidow, Lawrence | DeChiara, Peter | Dewan, Mark | Dougherty, Donna | Doyle, Kevin | Drager, Laura | Dunleavy, April | Eberstein, laura | Eisenpress, Sherri | Ellmann, Stephen J. | Epstein, Lloyd | Epstein, David | Estreicher, Aleta G. | Fahey, Diane L. | Feig, Seymour | Feinberg, Rona | Feinman, Sylvia | Feld, Lawrence | Ferrara, Lucas | Ferstendig, David | Finkelstein, Daniel | Firestone, Robert | Fish, David | Fleischmann, Craig | Fleischmann, Lisa | Fleishman, Craig | Franklin, Kris | Friedman, Jacob | Friedman, Richard | Gardephe, Paul | Gardrat, Alain | George, B. James | Gertz, Elizabeth | Giamboi, Joseph | Gische, Judith | Glaser, I. Cathy | Glaser, Cathy | Glass, David | Goldberg, Andrew | Goldfinger, Scott | Goldstein, Brandt | Gordon-Reed, Annette | Gordon-Reed Jr., Annette | Gottlieb, Mark | Gould, Keri | Gould, Kerri | Green, Marshall | Gribetz, Tamar | Grimm, Kathleen | Grosberg, Lawrence M. | Gross, Karen | Haas, Jeffrey J. | Harris, Seth D. | Harvey, Roseanne | Hearn, John | Hogan, Mariana | Horowitz, David | Hubbard, Sarah | Hughes, Thomas | Hunter, Dan | Ingham, Joanne | Janin, Sandra Denise | Janin, Sandra | Janin, Sandra K. | Jannace, William | John, Christopher | Johnson, Peter | Johnson, David R. | Johnson, David | Johnstone, Quintin | Jonakait, Randolph N. | Kahn, Faith Stevelman | Kaufman, Judith | Kelly, Lynn | Kendall, Chris | Kettering, Kenneth | Kettering, Kenneth C | Kiesel, Diane | Koffler, Joseph | Kostant, Peter C | Kostant, Peter C. | Laird, Sherry | Lane, Eric | Lang, Kim | Lapiana, William Paul | LaPiana, William P. | Leaderman, Lawrence | Lebovits, Gerald | Lederman, Lawrence | Lee, Grace E. | Lee, Joel Spencer | Leonard, Arthur S. | Levine, Lawrence | Lieberman, Jethro K. | Littman, Amy | Marino, Robert | Marino, Joseph L. | Marino, Joseph | Marsico, Richard | Marsico, Richard D. | Master, Daniel | Matasar, Richard A. | Mc Carthy, Michael | McCarthy, Michael T. | McCarthy, Michael | Meyer, Carlin | Meyers, Howard S. | Michaels, Philip | Michelen, Oscar | Mills, William R. | Milstein, Elliott | Moghrabi, Zuhayr | Mogulescu, William | Moskowitz, Avraham | Munger, Frank W. | Murphy, Brian | Newman, Stephen A. | Noveck, Beth Simone | Padilla, Lisa | Peritz, Rudolph J.R. | Perlin, Michael L. | Pessoa, Trecia | Pisem, Eliot | Pisen, Eliot | Plotnick, Steven | Portelli, Portelli | Purcell, Edward A. | Regan, Bridget | Reilly, Patrick | Reimer, Norman | Resko, Michael | Reza, Sadiq | Riccardi, Aubrey | Richter, Rosalyn | Risoli, Andrea | Roffer, Michael | Rosen, Elizabeth | Rosenberger, Ernst | Rosh, Robert | Rostain, Tanina | Rothman, Andrew | Rothschild, Donald P. | Rubenstein, Mitchell | Rubinstein, Mitchell | Sackheim, Michael | Saltalamachia, Joyce D. | Samuels, David | Sanderson, Rosalie | Sandler, Ross | Santangelo, Anne-Marie | Schindler, Stella | Schlesinger, Sanford | Schnapf, Lawrence | Schnurr, Lewis | Schoenbrod, David | Schwartz, Beth | Seewald, Andrew | Segal, Philip | Shapiro, Jay | Shapiro, E. Donald | Shea, Stephen | Sherwin, Richard K. | Shifrin, Ilene | Shollenberger, Elizabeth | Siegler, Richard | Simon, James F. | Sinaikin, Ronald | Sinakin, Ron | Sinclair, Michael B.W. | Sistrom, Peter | Sklaren, Cary | Slovinsky, Claudia | Steele, Louise | Steele, Louis | Stracher, Cameron | Strauss, Peter J. | Strossen, Nadine | Su, Lynn Boepple | Su, Lynn | Sweet, Kim | Taipale, K.A. | Teitel, Ruti G. | Temkin, Barry | Thomas, Ann F. | Thomas, Ann Freda | Tuminaro, Dominick | Turro, Andrew | Valentine, Sarah | Vanderpuye, Kweku | Vernick, Amy | Vinegrad, Alan | Waite, Nancy | Wellington, Harry H. | Wentworth-Odierno, Lori | Wiehl, Lis | Williams, Patricia | Winston, georgia | young, Daniel | Zablotsky, Peter | Zeigler, Donald H. |