Course Name | Course Code | Departments Taught In |
Accounting for Lawyers: Basic Concepts | NA | LAW |
Adjunct Faculty Hiring | NA | LAW |
Administrative Law | NA | LAW |
Admiralty Law | NA | LAW |
Advanced | NA | LAW |
Advanced Corporate Reorganizations | NA | LAW |
Advanced Topics in IP: Videogame Law | NA | LAW |
Advanced Wealth Transfer Planning Seminar | NA | LAW |
Advocacy of Criminal Cases | NA | LAW |
Agency, Partnership, and Limited Liability Entities | NA | LAW |
Alternative Dispute Resolution | NA | LAW |
American Legal History | NA | LAW |
American Slavery & the Law | NA | LAW |
Americans with Disability Act: Law, Policy, and Practice | NA | LAW |
Anatomy of a New York State Divorce Action | NA | LAW |
Antitrust | NA | LAW |
Applied Skills Program | NA | LAW |
Art Law | NA | LAW |
Banking Law | NA | LAW |
Bankruptcy | NA | LAW |
Bankruptcy and Workouts: Tax Issues | NA | LAW |
Bankruptcy: Chapter 11 | NA | LAW |
Benefits and Compensation Planning Seminar | NA | LAW |
Blacks & American Law | NA | LAW |
Broadcasting Regulation in European States | NA | LAW |
Business Planning for the Closely Held Enterprise | NA | LAW |
Charitable Organizations | NA | LAW |
Child Victims & the Law | NA | LAW |
Children & the Law | NA | LAW |
Civil Rights Law | NA | LAW |
Clinics | NA | LAW |
Collective Bargaining & Labor Dispute Resolution | NA | LAW |
Comparative Criminal Procedure | NA | LAW |
Comparative Law | NA | LAW |
Comparative Tax Law: Technical & Policy Issues | NA | LAW |
Competency and the Civil Law | NA | LAW |
Comprehensive Curriculum Program | NA | LAW |
Conflict of Laws | NA | LAW |
Consolidated Legal Analysis | NA | LAW |
Constitution & Terrorism, The | NA | LAW |
Constitutional History: Supremacy & Nullification 1776-1868 | NA | LAW |
Constitutional Law I | NA | LAW |
Constitutional Law: Free Speech | NA | LAW |
Constitutional Law: Individual Rights, Advanced | NA | LAW |
Consumer Finance & Collection | NA | LAW |
Continuing Legal Education | NA | LAW |
Copyright and Literary Property | NA | LAW |
Copyright, Innovation, and the Internet | NA | LAW |
Corporate & Securities Law, Advanced Topics: Corporate Boards | NA | LAW |
Corporate Finance | NA | LAW |
Corporate Fraud & Corporate Disclosure: Litigation & Regulation | NA | LAW |
Corporate Governance | NA | LAW |
Corporate Reorganizations, Advanced | NA | LAW |
Corporate Tax Planning Seminar | NA | LAW |
Corporations | NA | LAW |
Criminal Justice Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: Criminal Appellate Clinic | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: Criminals & Our Urge to Punish Them | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: Death Penalty | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: Post-Conviction Review & Remedies | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: Sentencing | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: The Mentally Disabled Defendant | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law & Procedure: White Collar Crime | NA | LAW |
Criminal Law Clinic Seminar, Externship, Fieldwork | NA | LAW |
Criminal Procedure: Adjudication | NA | LAW |
Criminal Procedure: Investigation | NA | LAW |
Cybercime, Cyberterror, and Digital Law Enforcement | NA | LAW |
Cyberlaw | NA | LAW |
Derivatives Market Regulation Seminar | NA | LAW |
Divorce: Lawyers, Clients, and Families | NA | LAW |
Domestic Violence & The law | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Contracts | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Corporate Documents | NA | LAW |
Drafting: General Principles | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Judicial Opinions | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Legislation | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Litigation Documents | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Real Estate Documents | NA | LAW |
Drafting: Wills and Trusts | NA | LAW |
Economic | NA | LAW |
Education Policy & the Law | NA | LAW |
Elder Law | NA | LAW |
Elder Law Clinic | NA | LAW |
Electives by Specialty | NA | LAW |
Electives in Alpha Order | NA | LAW |
Employee Benefits Law | NA | LAW |
Employment Discrimination Clinic | NA | LAW |
Employment Discrimination Law | NA | LAW |
Employment Law | NA | LAW |
Employment Law Clinic | NA | LAW |
Employment Practice Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
Energy Law and Policy | NA | LAW |
Entertainment Law | NA | LAW |
Entertainment Law Seminar and Workshop | NA | LAW |
Entertainment Law: Drafting & Negotiation | NA | LAW |
Environmental Law & Policy | NA | LAW |
Environmental Problems in Business Transactions | NA | LAW |
Environmental Regulation | NA | LAW |
Estate Administration | NA | LAW |
Estate and Trust Litigation | NA | LAW |
Estate Planning | NA | LAW |
European Community Law | NA | LAW |
European Copyright and Intellectual Property Law | NA | LAW |
European Telecommunications & Broadcasting Law | NA | LAW |
Expression, Religion, and the Law | NA | LAW |
Externship Seminar and Externship Placement | NA | LAW |
Family Court | NA | LAW |
Family Court Practice Seminar and Workshop | NA | LAW |
Family Law | NA | LAW |
Federal Civil Litigation | NA | LAW |
Federal Courts & the Federal System | NA | LAW |
Federal Criminal Law | NA | LAW |
Federal Income Tax: Corporate | NA | LAW |
Federal Income Tax: Individual | NA | LAW |
Federal Income Tax: Partnership | NA | LAW |
Federal Income Taxation of Trusts & Estates | NA | LAW |
Federal Regulation of Electronic Media | NA | LAW |
Federal Wealth Transfer Tax, Advanced Applications | NA | LAW |
Federal Wealth Transfer Tax, Basic Concepts | NA | LAW |
Feminist Jurisprudence: Theory and Application | NA | LAW |
Financial Advocacy | NA | LAW |
Government Workers, Unions & the Law and Workshop | NA | LAW |
Housing and Lending Discrimination Law | NA | LAW |
Immigration Law | NA | LAW |
Immigration Practice Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
Independent Study: Paper | NA | LAW |
Information Law | NA | LAW |
Information Law Institute Capstone | NA | LAW |
Insurance Law | NA | LAW |
Intellectual Property: Copyright, Patent, and Trademark | NA | LAW |
International Business Transactions | NA | LAW |
International Commercial Arbitration | NA | LAW |
International Economic Law: Trade and Monetary Law | NA | LAW |
International Finance | NA | LAW |
International Human Rights Law | NA | LAW |
International Human Rights Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
International Law in Contemporary Perspectives | NA | LAW |
International Law, Advanced Topics: International Law in Developing Nations | NA | LAW |
International Law: An Introduction | NA | LAW |
International Law: Selected Topics | NA | LAW |
International Tax Planning Seminar | NA | LAW |
International Taxation | NA | LAW |
International Taxation: Advanced | NA | LAW |
Islamic Law & Middle East Legal Institutions | NA | LAW |
Jurisprudence: Introduction to Legal Theory & Practice | NA | LAW |
Jurisprudence: Introduction to Philosophy of Law | NA | LAW |
Justice Action Center Colloquium | NA | LAW |
Juvenile Delinquency | NA | LAW |
Labor Relations Law | NA | LAW |
Labor Relations Law in the Public Sector | NA | LAW |
Land Use Regulation | NA | LAW |
Law & Literature | NA | LAW |
Law & Policy of the Workplace Externship | NA | LAW |
Law and Technology of Electronic Government, The | NA | LAW |
Law of War, The | NA | LAW |
Lawyering Skills Center | NA | LAW |
Lawyers & Public Life | NA | LAW |
Legal Journalism | NA | LAW |
Legal Research, Advanced | NA | LAW |
Legal Research: Practical Skills | NA | LAW |
Legal Scholarship | NA | LAW |
Marriage | NA | LAW |
Mass Torts | NA | LAW |
Media Law Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
Mediation Clinic | NA | LAW |
Medical Malpractice | NA | LAW |
Memorandum and Brief Writing | NA | LAW |
Mental Disability Law, Survey of | NA | LAW |
Mental Disability Litigation Seminar | NA | LAW |
Mental Health Law | NA | LAW |
Mergers & Acquisitions | NA | LAW |
Modern Civil Litigation: Problems and Tactics | NA | LAW |
Modern Supreme Court | NA | LAW |
Municipal Finance | NA | LAW |
Negotiating, Counseling, and Interviewing | NA | LAW |
New Jersey Practice | NA | LAW |
New York City Government | NA | LAW |
New York City Land Use Rules & Procedures | NA | LAW |
New York City Law Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
New York Law in National Perspective | NA | LAW |
New York Practice | NA | LAW |
New York Practice, Advanced: Discovery | NA | LAW |
Newsgathering and the Law | NA | LAW |
Patent Claim Drafting | NA | LAW |
Patent Law | NA | LAW |
Persuasion | NA | LAW |
Planning Your Schedule | NA | LAW |
Policy Analysis, Introduction to | NA | LAW |
Poverty Law Clinic | NA | LAW |
Poverty Law Clinic, Advanced | NA | LAW |
Poverty Law in Theory & Practice | NA | LAW |
Poverty Law: Civil Legal Services in a Time of Need, Seminar & Workshop | NA | LAW |
Poverty, Families, & Social Welfare Policy | NA | LAW |
Pre-Trial Advocacy | NA | LAW |
Problem-Solving and the Law of the Workplace | NA | LAW |
Problems of Timing | NA | LAW |
Products Liability | NA | LAW |
Professional Responsibility in Federal Tax Practice:Annual Tax Lawyering Symposium and Workshops | NA | LAW |
Public Health Law | NA | LAW |
Publishing Law | NA | LAW |
Race | NA | LAW |
Race & Poverty Law: Constitutional Dimensions | NA | LAW |
Real Estate Development | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Advanced | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Commercial Leasing | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Cooperatives & Condominiums | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Landlord-Tenant Law | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Legal Planning & Practice | NA | LAW |
Real Estate: Transactions and Finance | NA | LAW |
Refugee and Asylum Law | NA | LAW |
Regulation & Privitization | NA | LAW |
Regulation and Deregulation | NA | LAW |
Remedies | NA | LAW |
Required Curriculum | NA | LAW |
Role of the Government Attorney, The | NA | LAW |
Sales & Payment Systems | NA | LAW |
Secured Transactions | NA | LAW |
Securities Arbitration Clinic and Seminar | NA | LAW |
Securities Regulation | NA | LAW |
Securities Regulation: Broker-Dealer Regulation | NA | LAW |
Securities Regulation: Federal Regulation of Mutual Funds | NA | LAW |
Securities Regulation: Securities Act of 1933 | NA | LAW |
Securities Regulation: Securities Exchange Act of 1934 | NA | LAW |
Seminar on State and Local Taxation and Finance | NA | LAW |
Seminar on Tax Planning for Family Businesses | NA | LAW |
Sequence of Courses | NA | LAW |
Sex-Based Discrimination | NA | LAW |
Sexuality & the Law | NA | LAW |
Special Education Clinic and Fieldwork | NA | LAW |
Special Topics in International Law: Transitional Justice | NA | LAW |
Sports Law | NA | LAW |
State & Local Government | NA | LAW |
State & Local Taxation | NA | LAW |
State and Urban Government: Current Problems and Issues | NA | LAW |
Statutory Interpretation | NA | LAW |
Study Abroad | NA | LAW |
Subchapter S Corporations | NA | LAW |
Tax Litigation Seminar | NA | LAW |
Tax Planning for Investments Seminar | NA | LAW |
Tax Planning for Real Estate Transactions Seminar | NA | LAW |
Tax Policy Seminar | NA | LAW |
Tax Procedure and Tax Practice Skills | NA | LAW |
Taxation of Affiliated Corporations | NA | LAW |
Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders | NA | LAW |
Taxation of Financial Instruments | NA | LAW |
Taxation of Property Transactions | NA | LAW |
Telecommunications Economics & Law | NA | LAW |
Telecommunications Regulations, Introduction To | NA | LAW |
Therapeutic Jurisprudence | NA | LAW |
Torts II: Additional Topics & Advanced Inquiries | NA | LAW |
Trademarks & Unfair Competition | NA | LAW |
Trial Advocacy | NA | LAW |
United Nations & World Order, The | NA | LAW |
Urban Law Clinic Seminar & Workshop I & II (full year option) | NA | LAW |
Urban Law Clinic Seminar & Workshop I ( Spring semester option) | NA | LAW |
Visual Persuasion in the Law | NA | LAW |
Voting Rights & the Legal Structure of the American Political Process | NA | LAW |
Wills, Trusts, & Future Interests | NA | LAW |
Workplace Injuries and the Law | NA | LAW |
Workplace Rights and International Business | NA | LAW |
Writing Skills for Lawyers, Advanced | NA | LAW |
Number of Courses: